Candle Lingo

When purchasing a candle there can be some terms that might not be familiar. Therefore, I would like to take the opportunity to clarify a few important terms.

Melt Pool: After your candle is lit, you will notice how the wax begins to melt and spread out until it reaches the edges of your jar. This is a very important process when you initially light your candle. The first burn is the most important as it sets the life expectancy of your candle. The top layer should reach a full melt pool within the first 2-3 hours after lighting, however, you should not exceed 4 hours at a time.

Tunneling: If you do not allow your candle to create a full melt pool you might experience tunneling in your candle. This happens when a small circle is created in the center of your candle and continues to burn downwards leaving a creator like divot in your candle. This can create a lot of waste and you will lose the longevity of your candle. Your candle has a great memory, therefore the first melt pool burn is important so that it will continue throughout the life of your candle.

Wooden Wicks: Wooden wicks create a wonderful crackling sound when lit. In order to perform at the optimum level, wooden wicks need to be trimmed to about 1/8 inch to perform properly.  You MUST remove any black soot build up from the wick to prevent poor performance or excessive flame heights. This can be achieved by either trimming your wick with a wick trimmer or scrapping the top before you light your candle.